Sunday, May 9, 2010

Betty White is my Hero

I love Betty White. I thought she was hilarious on Golden Girls (even though at first, I was too little to understand all her humor). But last night, she hosted Saturday Night Live (which I haven't watched in many years), but if Betty was going to host it, then I was going to have to watch it. My favorite skit was the census skit. The best part, is that Kerry (my sister in law...Bella & Jonathan's mommy) is a census worker! All you really need to know is.....I LOVE Betty White. Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

We just watched the census skit. TOO FUNNY!!! "Blarrrfengarrrd".

Also, we watched the Lawrence Welk parody: "...and I went to the freezer and ate an onion, is that baaad?"
