Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Missed Me?

I know! I'm a bad blogger. I have been so busy that I have hardly been home to blog. All I did all summer is work! I did make time, of course, for my little bambinos. As you know, Bella turned 2 in June. She's as spunky as ever! Jonathan turned 4 at the end of July. I can't believe how BIG he is! He weighs over 50lbs (which his pediatrician is NOT happy about). But, he started preschool last week. Bella was very ill at the time, and all of us (expect Kerry) thought Jonathan would not do well at preschool. Boy, was I wrong! He is doing fantastic! He goes 3 days a week and is loving meeting all his new friends. He's too cute!

Because we took Bella to get her portraits done for her birthday, we took both of them to get their portraits done before his birthday! We bought outfits 2 years ago when we were in Florida for a family picnic (that never happened). These outfits hardly fit the kids (thankfully, we were at JCPenny portraits and I was able to run through the store quick and buy a few things to complete the outfits. Bella's dress was more like a belly shirt without a skort underneath).

But, they were both great sports about it all. Yet again, we were able to surprise Kerry with these cute photos. I can hardly believe how big they are both getting. Maybe one day Chris & Karen will add the niece/nephew count. Until then, I'll enjoy my little ones.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sorry, I'm a little late! But guess who turned 2? Can you guess??

Can you??

Who'd you guess??

I hope it wasn't me.

Did you guess....


If you did, you are correct!

We got to babysit Bella one day because Kerry took Jonathan to the movies (it was a disaster), but we had fun with Bella! First, we went to the pool and splashed around in the pool. Then, before going home we thought we'd get some portraits done of Bella. Unfortunately, Bella fell asleep in the car on the way to the photo place. OOPS! But lucky us, we woke her up and she had a great time posing for the camera. She loved her birthday dress. It was "cute". It's hard to believe she's already two.

Auntie's Little Angel

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Are you surprised?

Is anyone else surprise by our visit to the Easter Bunny? Bella was SO excited to see him! She loved putting on her "pretty dress" and looking "cute". She saw the bunny and screeched with excitement. She walks up to him and says "Hi bunny!" pets his leg and is overall happy to see him. I pick her up, and put her on his lap, and the screaming starts. The only way we were able to keep her sitting with the bunny was by Kerry holding her in place (hence the hand). Once we took Bella off the Bunny's chair, she waved and said "bye bye bunny".

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Having a Bad Day?

Are you having a bad day? Feeling a little down in the dumps? Depressed? Watch this!

Still depressed? Didn't think so. =)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Hate Valentine's Day

Can I say that? I absolutely HATE Valentine's Day. And no, it's not because I don't have a Valentine (a male in my age range who is interested in me). Let's see, how did I spend my Valentine's? My best friend Corky, her mom died last Wednesday. Monday was her funeral. Strike 1. Then, during the funeral, my mom calls. Dad had a mild stroke and was in the hospital. Strike 2. It was also the 8 year anniversary of the death of a friend. Strike 3. So, with everything that's going on, my homework has slipped (more like I haven't done it). With class tonight, I just finished another part of it. I'm emotionally and physically drained. Very little sleep for me! To add to the chaos, Dad had another mild stroke. Whoopie! All I want is some sleep. Is that too much to ask for??

Oh the upside, I got the CUTEST handmade Valentine from Jonathan & Bella.