Sunday, June 28, 2009

Too cute!

With the kids over yesterday, I took some cute video of our little girl. This first one is after Bella spit up on the freshly cleaned carpet (oops!). She had a great time wiggling around on her blanket. I can already see changes from a week ago.

This next one is too short but too cute. I thought I was taking a picture but forgot that my camera was on 'video'. Oops! But what I caught was too cute to delete.

We then attempted to put Bella on her tummy for some tummy time. My friend's daughter who is a little bit older than Bella hates tummy time, so I wanted to see what happened with Bella. The following ensued.

Brother and Sister

We babysat the kids yesterday and our goal was to take a cute photo of Jonathan and Bella together. It took time and we got some cute photo's. I shall keep trying to get photos of them.

Our first attempt at Jonathan holding his baby sister

Cutest photo of the 2 of them of the day

They are too cute laying together

Monday, June 15, 2009


So, my friend Mark, sent me this link to this YouTube video. I've watched in 3 times in the past hour and i'm still sitting here going "holy cow". I haven't yet been able to process all that information. I! Watch this and just try to comprehend what this all means.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stupid crimes

Alright, my friend Mark sent me a link to this site about stupid criminals titled: Barrel Monster Bust. I laughed so hard I had to share it with you! So this guy, was arrested for taking orange construction barrels and turning them into "art". He cut and put screws into these orange construction barrels. He did about $360 in damages. But what he created the coolest thing! (Click on the picture to see the whole thing)

Isn't that awesome?! I love it. To read the whole piece go to: . Thanks to Mark for passing on this piece of hilariousness. Can't we all sleep better knowing this barrel monster is protecting our streets?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Welcome Home Bella!

Yesterday, Bella & Kerry were released from the hospital. As they were headed home, they called us wanting Jonathan back. So, after dinner and a bath, we packed up the little boy and took him home. He was so cute seeing his mommy and daddy.

We got the first family of 4 photo! That's my girl! Stickin out her tongue!

Bella & I! We had a great long chat.

Bella has such LONG fingers. But she LOVES her pacifier! Chunky cheeks!
Bella & Nana Bella, Papa & Nana's arm.

Jonathan had a great time seeing his mommy and daddy. He could not get enough of sitting with mommy. It's nice to see that they have such a strong bond. Bella is so cute. She's so light (compared to her big brother). She makes such cute noises. She's very active and her frog legs seem to be starting to unfurl. She failed her hearing test in her one ear so Kerry has to take her back to have her hearing retested. The doctors think that because she came out so fast (in 4 pushes) that all the mucus, liquid and gunk didn't get pushed out of her ears completely. She thinks that once all the goo (yes, that's her medical lingo on the discharge sheet) dries up, she should be fine. They'll retest her hearing in a week or so. She's still cute as a button! I've updated the pictures so be sure to look at those. =)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's A Girl!

The time has arrived! It's a GIRL!! Bella Elizabeth McCoy made her entrance into the world on June 2, 2009 at 9:32pm. She came in at 8 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long. She's adorable! Kerry had a much easier labor and delivery of Bella than she did with Jonathan. 4 pushes and out she came! She's got a full head of hair, all ten fingers and all ten toes!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Zooo!

We all love a good trip to the zoo right? Well, we decided that before Baby Bella made her arrival, we'd take Jonathan to the zoo with Kerry. Right now, Brookfield has a big dinosaur exhibit going on. They have 18 animated dinosaurs, 17 of which are in an exhibit but 1 is sitting out in the pond. He was absolutely awesome. Jonathan learned dinosaur after seeing the big brontosaurus.

Not only did his head move back and forth, up & down, he spit water too! His tail moved too. It was so neat to see. Once Bella comes, we're going to go back to the zoo to see the exhibit. Jonathan loved Tropic World. He was such a fan of the monkeys. He was running through the monkey house making all sorts of monkey noises. He tried to climb over the railings to get in with the monkeys. He loved waving and making monkey noises.

After a long day at the zoo, it was time to hit the gift shop before a long drive home. The long drive home provided us with the "last zoo picture" for this trip.

Out like a light after 5 minutes, wearing his new African Wild Dog sun visor. =)