Thursday, May 28, 2009

Big Delay

So, we've hit a snag. Apparently, Kerry had to make an appointment to be induced and no one told her about that. Now, her inducement has been pushed to Tuesday June 2. But, we're sorta hoping that she comes early b/c her due date is Friday June 5. We're all bummed over here. We want to see this little girl and we want to spend lots of time with Jonathan. Everytime the phone rings we all jump and run to get it. We all hope it's Kerry saying she's gone into labor. So it's now T-minus 5 days til we see baby Bella. =) Have I mentioned that I hate waiting?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My friend Dawn is learning how to drive a stick shift truck (her husbands car). Her brother posted this video and it made me laugh so hard I thought I'd share it with the rest of the world.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hi everyone!

Have you missed me? I'm sure you have. Things have been so busy around here. I've been teaching a lot but I was also really sick at the beginning of May. But, we've had many a fun times lately which I'll post about soon. We took Jonathan to Brookfield Zoo on Friday and we had Chris & Karen's wedding reception on Sunday. I'll post about those as soon as I'm done with my photobucket and have all that jazz up and running. T minus 4 days and counting until the birth of Bella (Jonathans' little sister) =)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome Elizabeth!

YEAH!! So, finally, after 9 months of waiting, Dawn had her baby! Little Elizabeth decided that after mommy and daddy signed the papers for a C-section (after Dawn had stalled at 9cm for 8 hours) that she would make her arrival! She's 22 inches long, 8 lbs 3 oz. She's so cute!